Perigal's Contributions to Kinematics

The book "The Christian Visitor, on the Four Gospels" with flyleaf inscription by Florence Nightingale

Notation for Swedish Difference Engine

Notes on Civil Engineering

Marshall's Geological Diagrams

Gazeteer of Mines in Chili (Chile)

Letters patent (no. 1216) granted to Joseph Webb for 'Improvements in Rotary Engines'

Letters patent (no. 1684) granted to Henry Adams re his 'Invention for "A Revolving Ventilator'

Volume entitled: "Some Account of Lewis Paul and his Invention of the machine for spinning cotton and wool by Rollers and his claim to such Invention to the exclusion of John Wyatt"

Document book of the Anglo-Waldeck Mining Company

Letter from Robert Stephenson to Dr Andrew Ure

Catalogue of Useful Inventions for Cotton Spinners, Manufacturers and for all textile trades

Copy correspondence between John Wood, chairman of the Board of the Inland Revenue, and various parties regarding coffee and chicory, with reports

Bound volume entitled: "Watch, Quarter & Station Bill of H.M.S. Britannia"
Science Museum Group Corporate Archive

Essay by Robert Stephenson on the construction of the Rocket locomotive

An edition of 'The Photogram' journal vol. 2 no. 17

Drawing of Egyptian Railway Nos 995, 996, 1021, 1022
Letter from the War Department to Mrs Wilsdon
Foulsham and Banfield Ltd Collection
Letter from Florence Nightingale to Mrs Clarke

Railway Signal Volume 3 (1885)
Nursing certificate for Charlotte Wilsdon
Folder of photos entitled '12 Wembley Snapshots'

Analytical Engine (appears incomplete).

Cross-written letter from Eliza Greenhalgh and Cecile Margin, Vilvorde to Jane Young (nee Hackworth)

Letter from Robert Stephenson to Edward Watkins Regarding Richard Trevithick and John Gerrard

Notation of the Analytical Engine
Manuscript maps of the earth projected on a regular dodecahedron and on a regular tetrahedron
John Dickinson's silk-thread envelope
Engineering drawing: International Exhibition 1862; Machinery Department; Chimney for Boiler House
Contract of between The Saint Katharine Dock Company, and William George Armstrong, George Cruddas and Richard Lambert of the Elswick Engine Works, Newcastle upon Tyne
Letter from James Sowerby to Mrs Pratten
Map of the Horsham Petworth and Midhurst Railway

Rough draft of Universal Machine Tool. Designed and employed for obtaining the different motions.

Digit counting apparatus on the two upper wheel selectors.

Carriage with tens warning. Sheet 3.

Store variable selectors. Superseding drawing No 2.

Motion for carrying the tens, plus and minus.

Plan of mill and store. First draft of revised store and mill connected.

Lifting apparatus by screw. Sheet 9.

Carriage and racks in sections. Sheet 10.

Digit counting apparatus spiral axis. Sheet 7.

Side and end elevation of feed motion with shade. Second revision.

Sections of framing and racks. Sheet 6.

Elevation arrangements for division. Sheet 20

Side and end elevation of feed motions. Showing the bands in different colours.

Printing and card punching. Printing part of the Analytical Engine.